Thursday, July 7, 2011

Comment est-il devenu si tard si tôt?

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This is the time I have left in France. When did this happen? I'm not sure.

Other notes: I tried apricot ice cream today! Amazing. We also visited Entremont, an ancient Gaulish city just outside town. Aquae Sextiae, as Aix was first called, was founded to keep an eye on the troublesome Gauls (think Astérix). Tomorrow my other class is going to Manosque, home of writer Jean Giono! And this weekend, after yet another class trip, I'm visiting a woman who lives about an hour out of Aix and is a friend of a friend from Grace Pres. Her name is Anouk and she seems lovely. I'm excited to see another corner of Provence!

How did it get so late so soon?

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