Thursday, June 16, 2011

Une année

The big excitement today is that it's June 16, the day that Andrew and I will be getting married next year! It's so incredible to think that this is the last June 16 ever that I will be Miss Katherine Roberts all day. (Or Mademoiselle, same thing.) But a year is also a long time.

Today before class, Cara and I went wandering with Becca, who is also in our classes. We went to the big marché in front of the Palais de Justice, which takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (it's the same one I went to with Brooke and Clara). We shopped around the Cour Mirabeau a little--they have a marché there too, only on Thursdays--and got lunch from a bakery called Paul. It has a wide variety of inexpensive sandwiches (mine was 3,70), so we're Paul fans now. My sandwich was good but had a lot of spicy French mustard on it, which I didn't think was necessary.

Tonight there's a reception for students to mingle with faculty and staff from 7 pm to 8 pm, so I'm staying in town until then. I'm typing this in the library, which is adorable. This building used to be a chapel; it was renovated in the 60's, which is really tragic, but there are some remains of arches and little details. I already have some homework for my classes... a little bit of reading, mostly, so that is my project for the next two hours. Wish me luck!

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