Monday, June 13, 2011

Aix: Day 1

My blog titles are getting really creative. I did surprisingly little today: I slept through my alarm and then took another nap this afternoon. I'm not sure if it's jet lag or normal Katherine sleepiness. Either way. But the time I spent awake was well spent: Martine (my host mom) took me to the Institute (where all my classes will be) and around the rest of downtown for about an hour, and we went back to the Institute that afternoon for an open house. (I learned that 5 pm to 6:30 is considered afternoon.) I met a ton of people, and it felt a lot like rush week except the lights didn't flicker, nobody had chosen my outfit in advance and I did not already know half the people in the room. Oh and we weren't singing. There was, however, a running slideshow with everyone's name and picture. It was reassuring that everyone seemed normal and very friendly, but I'm looking forward to getting to know them in a more natural context.

One of Martine's friends, Jackie, is hosting two girls, so they all came over here for dinner tonight. It was delicious, and I enjoyed getting to know other people from the program. Conversation was difficult because they only know a little French, but I translated a lot and there were some hilarious moments. At one point, I asked Martine if she needed help, but I accidentally said d'assistance instead of d'aide, which is the more correct term. Jackie corrected me, "D'aide," which was fine except that then Elle thought someone had died ("dead") and hilarity ensued. Okay, written out that doesn't sound funny at all. Read the post below on bad jokes.

Tomorrow is orientation; I'm meeting two other girls who are staying next door to walk over at 9. It's about a 20-minute walk. Martine had me lead us back from the Institute so hopefully I know it well enough? Most other days I won't have to go anywhere until lunchtime, since my classes are straight from 1 to 5. But that means I'm going to get up and go exploring in the mornings, and smuggle baguette into class. This is the plan.

I'll take pictures tomorrow. Really.

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